Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mentor? Check!

I finally got a mentor for my biology honors research. Dr.Britt and I met on Thursday and she said she would be happy to be my mentor for fall 2013. She said she will give me the readings and other papers later on. The deadline for the proposal is April 15, but the biology department are really really flexible about deadlie. Our goal is to try to finalize a proposal by the end of this month. I am really glad I am finally moving along with my research projects. Thanks guys for helping me!


  1. Good to hear! Looking forward to seeing this project develop. Do you know yet what the research is going to focus on?

    1. Thank you! The general topic is DNA damage, which is really good because I am interested in DNA. It's actually a complicated research. When I first read about it, I had to read it over and over again to fully understand it. I even had to google some of the proteins, cofactors, enzymes, and other science stuff.

  2. YAY :)!!!! Finally! Congrats :)
