Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How Did the Internet Start?


So I went through a PowerPoint-like webpage here and found out about the evolution of the internet. How it started and et.. The internet all started as a device for the U.S. Military, but it was then called Arpanet. At that time Arpanet only connected five site: UCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, the University of Utah and BBN. It got the name Internet when it was able to connect to 1000 universities and labs. But now the internet is connected to mare than just 1000 universities and labs. In fact, there's internet to almost all school globally (with some expections). I wonder if there will ever be a time when the internet is not "popular" anymore. I mean I remember when MySpace first came out it was so popular! then it faded and Facebook took its replacement, and now it seems like Twitter and Instagram is taking over Facebook. Hence, I wonder if the internet will be "out of fashion" anytime in the future. I doubt it though. But I hope if it does, then I am alive so see what is the new "popular" item in society.

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