Thursday, January 31, 2013

To Be Scared or Not to be Scared

With so many horror movies about evil ghosts, what does science have to say about it? Like always, science always ruin the exciting facts people like to believe. For example, I always thought that people who saw a white light before they died was a spritual thing. If you saw a white light right before you died, then you would go to heaven. Science shut that belief of mine when my biology professor told me that that was a biology thing (bummer).

So what about ghost? I honestly never thought ghost scientifically. Basically, scientists say that if ghosts are real then we should be able to find scientific evidence for them. But so far they are not any scientific evidence for them; thus, there are no such things as ghost (pheww). Check out the whole article here

1 comment:

  1. We are so into the same stuff. There is this cool thing that I will be talking about in future blog posts called 'attribution theory.' The basic gist of it is that we 'attribute' certain events to 'causes.' For example, there was a stinky smell in the room. I just heard my dog fart before I smelled the smell. Thus, I 'attribute' the smell to the dog. The dog caused it.

    We do this with things we can't explain, too. For example, how the heck did that glass of water move from one place to the next without anybody touching it?!?! What the heck caused that?! In the absence of a cause, we say 'It was a ghost!" When really the table was slippery and on a slight incline.

    This brings me to the distinction of 'naturalistic causes' vs 'supernatural causes.'

    And that's attribution theory in a nutshell.
